West Cobb Dentistry

Monday, April 26, 2021

Who Should Get A Dental Exam?

The short answer is everyone. All members of the family, from the little children with their baby teeth to your grandparents with dentures should regularly see our team. The health industry strongly suggests exams at very minimum every six months in addition to your twice daily at home dental cleaning routine. Not only are children as quite susceptible to cavities, but their baby teeth need our supervision to make sure they are growing in correctly and without any disease or decay. Even though your children eventually lose their baby teeth, that first set are just as important as permanent teeth.

As for the adult members of your family, routine cleanings and exams are important and simple habits to begin and then maintain throughout your life. As you continue to age from a young adult to adult to then a senior citizen, your risk for oral infection increases. As your teeth age with you, the hard enamel ages as well and get thin and weakens, making them more prone to cavities. Again, at home brushing and flossing twice daily will always help keep your mouth healthy, but our staff will perform a more thorough cleaning and screening for more serious oral issues.

Regular Dental Exam Expectations

During your visit with us at West Cobb Dentistry, we will examine your mouth with various pieces of equipment and specialized dental tools. These will help us perform a thorough cleaning of your teeth and mouth and perform various examinations of your mouth for possible diseases.

  • Gum disease – We will look closely at your gums and the teeth near the gum line to check for periodontal disease. This is a quite common problem.
  • Tooth decay– We will check each tooth for weakening enamel, any cracks or chips and areas of serious plaque buildup which can be a sign of decay and potential cavities or infection.
  • Existing restorations– We will always check any fillings, crowns, or other tooth restorations for signs of serious wear and tear, also allowing for future infections.
  • X-rays– These images allow us to see what is going on below the surface of your gums. X-rays will show us how dense a tooth is, how the root looks below the gum line, tumors, growths, cysts, or places of decay. Once we have more than one set of x-rays to compare from previous visits to the current visit, we can build a history and have a more complete set of data to monitor your dental health.
  • Oral cancer screening– We will closely scrutinize your teeth, gums, tongue, cheeks, lips, and throat for any signs of cancer or abnormal growths to biopsy for further investigation.
  • Education– Our staff will review with you the best ways to keep your mouth healthy at home, from brushing techniques and flossing to which areas of your mouth needs more attention. We will review with you nutritional tips to keep your mouth healthy that include avoiding sugar, adequate water intake and foods that provide the nutrients you need to keep a strong, healthy smile.

West Cobb Dentistry
Phone number: (770) 794-3332
Address: 5255 Stilesboro Rd NW #150, Kennesaw, GA 30152

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source https://www.westcobbdentistry.com/who-should-get-a-dental-exam/

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